A missions team from Cherry Hills Community Church joyfully returns to the Czech Republic to teach a music and arts camp to high school students from the city of Harvirov, Czech Republic in the summer of 2012.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Arrival in Prague...
More goodbyes
The family I am staying with here has been amazingly gracious and kind. I will more more about them later.
This morning, we board the train to Ostrava, and then to Prague. This evening, we meet back up with some of the other teams we met in training a week and a half ago. More updates later (pending internet connectivity in our location in Prague).
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Rehearsals, A Performance, and Goodbyes
On Friday, we finalized rehearsals for the main concert on Saturday. Friday night, we held a camp-wide talent show, and were wholly entertained. Saturday (today) we rehearsed and performed the final camp concert for a large crowd of the students' friends and families. The concert went very well, and all those in attendance were very pleased. We said our final goodbyes to some of the students. For others of the students, we will say goodbye to them after we attend church with them tomorrow morning at their home church. We have moved out of our camp, and into host homes in Haviřov (pronounce the ř like a zh sound), which is within about 10 miles of Ostrava (if you are looking on a map).
With my host family, I went to the grocery store this evening. Those of you who know me well know that I am not usually allowed to go to the grocery store because I find and buy all sorts of new items are were not on the list. Well, I didn't buy anything, but there sure was a lot to see. :) A few observations: shopping carts here have 4-wheel steering, the salami section at this particular medium-sized grocery store was about 30 feet long and took up 6 shelves, and, you bag your own groceries. I would have been dangerous in there if I had room to bring items home the the US. That's all for now, more tomorrow (including pictures from the concert!)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Collision: Not what you might think...
The first night was entitled "Jesus is different from what you think". It highlighted the collision between Jesus and the negative associations some students might have with Christians. The talk can be summed up by Ghani's quote, "I love your Christ, I don't love your Christians." The goal of this talk was to open the hearts of the non-Christian students by asking them to have an open mind about Jesus and Christianity, possibly despite their previous experiences.
The second day was about Jesus and the Adulterous Woman. The collision was between the tendency of humans to be quick to judge and the act of the same humans seeking mercy for their own offenses. It highlighted how frequenty humans want to focus on the imperfections of others, while ignoring their own imperfections. It helped to communicate that Jesus was perfect, but not judgemental.
The third night was about Jesus and Zaccheus. It showed a collision between what the people of Jesus' time expected, and the reality of His mercy shown toward Zaccheus. Zaccheus was transformed by Jesus' grace at a time when he really needed it, even though he (like us) did not deserve it.
The fourth night was about Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:13-31). By asking the students about what was very important to them in life, and what it would take for them to give up those things, we demonstrated the fact that having everything (or anything) we want pales in comparison to having Jesus. It was a collision between earthly possessions and eternal life.
The fifth night, including inspiring and personally relevant talks by both Moriah and Rich, was about peer pressure and how that was related to Jesus and Pilate. It showed the collision between truth (including doing the right thing) and pressure from outside influences, especially peers. It was helpful to show the students that how they react to difficult situations predicates the direction of their lives. By making the right choices, even when it is difficult and no matter the cost, the students' actions can be an invaluable example to others.
I will post about the sixth and seventh nights as they happen. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Survival Photos 1
Our team descending down the first steep hill to the waterfall |
One of the challenges was to fit all nine team members in a telephone booth |
Team member Adam's canyon crossing |
The landscape is similar to Colorado, but some things are quite different |
Bradley crosses the river with a harness and anchor line |
One of the valleys from our descent |
Taylor perched on a cliff about 40 feet above the waterfall |
Sheep in the countryside were not uncommon |
Moriah muses by the moire and mist... |
Monday, July 18, 2011
We had an amazing day. A 9-hour, 10-team hike/challenge course that included crossing rivers, climbing, and hiking through mountains, valleys, and plains. We started at 2pm and finished at 11:30 pm. We are all very tired, but it was a great experience. I will post more detail and photos tomorrow.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A few photos
Czech Republic's Got Talent!
The talent displayed by most of these students is amazing. We had our first all-camp choir rehearsal this morning, and the students are learning 8 songs by ear with three parts (sopranos/altos/men). We worked on 4 songs today, and the students picked all of them up very quickly. Additionally, most of the songs are in English, a second or third language for the students. I am actually learning a few Czech songs, as well.
Contributing to talent from the American side are Moriah, Christan, and Taylor. They led worship this morning, and Moriah led the Hillsong United song "Hosanna" entirely in Czech. Their ability and enthusiasm have been rejuvenating for us "older" members of the team and the whole camp!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The students are here!
A moment of the evening: outside one of the windows, we could see a professional fireworks show in the valley. Because most of the students were sitting on the floor, they did not have a good angle to see it without standing up. I was able to communicate to one of the leaders to encourage her to stand up and see them. She saw them, and then told the students. Unfortunately, as the students all stood up, the last firework of the show sparkled, and they did not see anything but darkness outside the window, leaving them to wonder whether it was all an joke to get them to stand up. We assured them that it as not, but you could still see the skepticism in some of their eyes. :)
I will try to upload some arrival pictures later today, but our world has been much different since the arrival of the students.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Prepared for arrival...
After rain througout the morning, it was sunny, cool, and clear in the afternoon. (The weather seems more like Colorado every day!) More Czech leaders arrived in the afternoon, and we were able to meet with them and have dinner. Everything is coming together nicely, and we are looking forward to the students' arrival tomorrow afternoon.
Final Training Day
Moriah, Christian, and Taylor at Rehearsal |
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Taking a rain-czech...
One of our talks this morning was about the small groups where we will be interacting with students at the camp. It will be interesting to spend time with the students, who are at various levels of their knowlege of English...
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Czech Culture Tidbits - Shoes, Blinks, and No's
2. In America, we acknowledge each other with a smile, a head nod, or a hand wave. In the Czech Republic, many Czechs acknowledge each other (and us) with something much more subtle: a blink.
3. In America, when we ask a question or make an offer (such as "Would you like some pie?"), we accept the first response given. In Czech culture, you should make the offer three separate times to determine someone's true intention.
First time: "Would you like some pie?" - "No, thank you."
Second time: "Are you sure you would not like some pie?" - "No, I would not like any pie"
Third time: "I have some pie here, would you like some?" - "Why, yes, I would love some pie!"
Another great day (and it's not even over yet!)
Nick, one of the interns who is here for the summer, led a class block about "Building Well". It streesed the importance of being intentional while establishing relationships and helping to make connections with our Czech students while they are here. Nick had a personal experience to share about how "seeds" of God's message that he planted two years ago are now bearing fruit. It helped us to keep in mind that despite the fact that we may not immediately see the results of the things we do during this trip, God has a reason from bringing each of us here to plant "seeds."
After lunch, we started working on more of the specifics about what we will be doing after the students arrive on Saturday. This evening, we will get a chance to learn more about the other teams who are serving at other camps here in the Czech.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A great evening
We just had a great evening worshipping and playing games ("Encore") with the rest of the teams. The sun is setting and we are going on a brief walk before heading in to bed. For those of you who are wondering, we are 8 hours ahead of you. More in the morning!
We have landed!
Both teams landed in Prague a few hours ago. All of our luggage arrived with us. We are leaving the airport in a few minutes to head to Malenovice.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Now in Hotlanta!
We have made it to Atlanta safely, and on time, and are waiting to board our 9.5 hour flight to Prague. It is quite warm, even inside the airport, but everyone is faring well. We are sitting next to another Josiah Venture team from Tucson, but they are going to a different part of the Czech.
Our next update will be from 5,000 miles and 6 time zones further east. See you tomorrow!
Off We Go
Both teams have made it to the airport, checked in, and passed security. We are at our gate. First major hurdles: complete.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Almost Ready...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Team Member Profile - Taylor Flowers
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Team Member Profile - Christel Obrecht
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Team Member Profile - Moriah Obrecht
She wants to get a degree in Sacred Music at Moody Bible Institute after she graduates from Torchbearers in hopes of starting a choir ministry in churches in Eastern Europe. She believes that choir in churches is a lost ministry that should be brought back in hopes of showing Christ’s love through music, and giving Him glory through it as well.
Moriah has been to the Czech Republic two times, and has enjoyed every part of both trips. The first year she went, 2009, was with the Cherry Hills Community Church choir and it was the hook, line, and sinker to her new-found ambition to join in eastern European missions. The second year she went was with the ex-Cherry Hills youth pastor Matt Hartman, who will be moving to Czech this year. Josiah Venture was the organization that got them there, and she loved that trip even more than the first! She was pushed in ways that she can’t even express; in physical, emotional, and most of all, spiritual attributes.
Every year gets better and better, and Moriah hopes to get the chance to be a true leader for the students at Fusion camp! She is preparing herself to be surprised in magnificent ways, and is praying for a chance for the students to see Christ's love in her every day that she is there.
Please keep Moriah in your prayers as she tries her hardest to show God’s love! She appreciates all of the support she has been getting from all of her loved ones, and hopes that the relationship stays firm as she tries to continue the path of pursuing joining Josiah Venture as a missionary!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Team Member Profile - Bradley Heisler
Bradley enjoys music in many different ways, from singing and playing music on the guitar and keyboard to attending concerts with his family. Bradley and his family also enjoy hiking, and hope to summit 14,000-foot Mount Elbert later this summer. Family hikes give Bradley the opportunity to indulge in one of his other hobbies, photography. The landscapes of Colorado offer many opportunities for him to snap photos.
The Heisler family has attended Cherry Hills for 3 years. They are happy to be able to use their various talents at the church: Bradley is active in the choir in various capacities, Parker plays guitar in the high school youth group band, Bella has been active in Kids Khoirs, and Nycki is teaching a sunday school class this fall.
Bradley is excited to journey to the Czech Republic this summer. He is excited for the opportunites that will arise as he works with the rest of the great team that Rich and Christel are leading.