Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We have landed!

Both teams landed in Prague a few hours ago. All of our luggage arrived with us. We are leaving the airport in a few minutes to head to Malenovice.


  1. God demonstrated yet again his awesome answers to prayer! Since I couldn't hardly sleep on Saturday and Sunday nights, I spent most of that time praying for God to give us a time of travel that would allow us to focus on the end-game of the trip rather than the trip itself, and he answered that prayer with nothing but smooth sailing! God is so good to us!

    Thank you to all the folks that are praying for us!

  2. I found out last night upon our arrival that two teens got saved at the Fusion camp, and several others rededicated their lives to Christ! That is such great news!

    What an awesome evangelical outreach Fusion is to the Czech people!

