It has been a busy week, so I will try to get back up-to-date. Each day, in the morning and the evening, we meet as a whole camp. We sing songs, do the "camp dance", and see a skit or video that relates to that day's message. The theme of the camp is "Collision" and each day's message is related to a collision in some way.
The first night was entitled "Jesus is different from what you think". It highlighted the collision between Jesus and the negative associations some students might have with Christians. The talk can be summed up by Ghani's quote, "I love your Christ, I don't love your Christians." The goal of this talk was to open the hearts of the non-Christian students by asking them to have an open mind about Jesus and Christianity, possibly despite their previous experiences.
The second day was about Jesus and the Adulterous Woman. The collision was between the tendency of humans to be quick to judge and the act of the same humans seeking mercy for their own offenses. It highlighted how frequenty humans want to focus on the imperfections of others, while ignoring their own imperfections. It helped to communicate that Jesus was perfect, but not judgemental.
The third night was about Jesus and Zaccheus. It showed a collision between what the people of Jesus' time expected, and the reality of His mercy shown toward Zaccheus. Zaccheus was transformed by Jesus' grace at a time when he really needed it, even though he (like us) did not deserve it.
The fourth night was about Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:13-31). By asking the students about what was very important to them in life, and what it would take for them to give up those things, we demonstrated the fact that having everything (or anything) we want pales in comparison to having Jesus. It was a collision between earthly possessions and eternal life.
The fifth night, including inspiring and personally relevant talks by both Moriah and Rich, was about peer pressure and how that was related to Jesus and Pilate. It showed the collision between truth (including doing the right thing) and pressure from outside influences, especially peers. It was helpful to show the students that how they react to difficult situations predicates the direction of their lives. By making the right choices, even when it is difficult and no matter the cost, the students' actions can be an invaluable example to others.
I will post about the sixth and seventh nights as they happen. Stay tuned.
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