Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another great day (and it's not even over yet!)

We started the day with worship songs, and a class block learning more about the history of the Czech Republic and some unique aspects of Czech culture. (Watch for a Czech Culture Tidbits post later today).

Nick, one of the interns who is here for the summer, led a class block about "Building Well". It streesed the importance of being intentional while establishing relationships and helping to make connections with our Czech students while they are here. Nick had a personal experience to share about how "seeds" of God's message that he planted two years ago are now bearing fruit. It helped us to keep in mind that despite the fact that we may not immediately see the results of the things we do during this trip, God has a reason from bringing each of us here to plant "seeds."

After lunch, we started working on more of the specifics about what we will be doing after the students arrive on Saturday. This evening, we will get a chance to learn more about the other teams who are serving at other camps here in the Czech.


  1. So glad you are there and planting seeds. Praying for you daily that you will be a blessing as you are being blessed. Looking forward to all the updates.

  2. Thank you so much for keeping us posted. You have reminded me of a phrase I heard years ago,"You can count the seeds in an apple, but you can't count the apples in a seed." So true. It's beautiful that Nick actually has been able to see the fruit of his labor, but even if you never see it doesn't mean it isn't there. May you each be able to convey the love of Christ in the way you have been blessed to do so. A "blink" may be all someone is waiting for. :O) Many prayers for your relationships to be a reflection of the love of Christ.
