Monday, July 25, 2011

More goodbyes

We enjoyed a great church service and delicious turkey lunch yesterday with our new friends in Haviřov. In the afternoon, some of us went to have pizza and some of us went to a tea room. In the evening, we visited the location to which the church will move in September. It was the first time that many from the church had seen the location, and all of them were beaming with pride. It is a blessed situation to need to move to a new location because the church family had grown so much! We prayed over the new location, and walked back to the previous location through the center of town. The architecture still has a very communist feel, but there is a surprising amount of open space and many green trees.

The family I am staying with here has been amazingly gracious and kind. I will more more about them later.

This morning, we board the train to Ostrava, and then to Prague. This evening, we meet back up with some of the other teams we met in training a week and a half ago. More updates later (pending internet connectivity in our location in Prague).

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